About Tobitate!
(Leap for Tomorrow)
Study Abroad Initiative

Tobitate! Study Abroad initiative
~Achievements and Future Vision~

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The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) launched the “Tobitate! Study Abroad Initiative” in 2013, a public-private project for promoting overseas study, with the aim of creating the momentum for all young Japanese university and high school students with the motivation and potential to take the first step toward studying abroad.

In the first stage (from 2013 to 2022), approximately 9,500 students were selected under Tobitate's scholarship program, Tobitate Young Ambassador Program. They experienced diverse practical activities overseas, and were developed as global leaders.

Based on these achievements, we are implementing the second stage (from 2023 to 2027) with a new vision and concept to continue to strengthen efforts for the development of global leaders by encouraging cooperation among industry, government, and academia.

In the second stage, we introduce a new vision seeking to build a “society where Japanese youth can take on the challenges of the world, collaborate with people domestically and internationally with ‘candor and determination’, and drive innovation and transformation” together with the concept of “challenge, connect, and co-create”.

We are conducting the program based on the following three pillars:

①“New Tobitate Young Ambassador Program” (for over 4000 high school students and 1000 university students during five years), which provides grant scholarships;

②“Study Abroad Platform”, which enhances the collection of information on studying abroad and strengthens collaboration among stakeholders;

③“Network of Innovative Talents”, which encourages Tobitate returnees to be active in various fields and collaborate with domestic and international organizations.

Furthermore, the Second Recommendation of the Council for the Creation of Future Education (proposed on April 27, 2023) aims to increase the number of Japanese students studying abroad to a total of 500,000 by 2033. The “Tobitate! Study Abroad Initiative” will continue to strive as a flagship initiative to create the momentum for studying abroad.